

Researching YourTarget Markets

Our dedicated team of researchers empower your decision making through active market research. We leverage our network of marketers to source local knowledge and hot spots that drive traffic to your landing sites and boost results 

With the right level of guidance from you, we can create data sources for leads generation and new business development

Campaigns are scalable and pricing is based on your preferred markets, duration and scope.


How It Works

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Expert consultations to understand your requirements and key success factors

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Guidance and consultancy to help you define your target affinity groups, markets and geodemographics

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Planning & Preparations

War room briefings and campaign preparation in line with TWN quality standards and processes

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Coordinated execution, tracking and monitoring of planned campaigns

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After Care

For us, after care is just as important part of your TWN experience so we retain our excellent relationships



about us

Ours is an inclusive Digital Marketing Hub helping businesses grow, increase conversions and perform better online with cutting edge technology services.

By leveraging industry standard technologies and over 50+ years of in house expertise, we are able to deliver top class solutions that work for you.

TWN Marketing is part of the The Worldwide Network Group (UK Reg. 10905670) a multinational Advertising, Marketing and Branding company.

Contact us

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